CD: History of the Minnesota Valley

CD: History of the Minnesota Valley, Including the Explorers and Pioneers of Minnesota, by Rev. Edward D. Neill, and History of the Sioux Massacre, by Charles S. Bryant - Rev. Edward D. Neill and Charles S. Bryant. "We live not alone in the present, but also in the past and future…the past is not simply a stepping-stone to the future, but a part of our very selves…The recounting of events which have transpired in our own neighborhood is the most interesting of all history. There is a fascination in the study of the intermingled facts and fiction of the past, which is heightened by a familiarity with the localities described…Our purpose is to present these pictures in their natural succession, arousing the enthusiasm of the reader, if possible, and giving him a more vigorous enjoyment of the present by linking it with the past. The compass of the work is wide, extending over a long period of time, embracing the accounts of early explorers, also reaching back among the legends of the past, and, approaching the events of the day, almost undesignedly casting a prophetic glance forward at what must be the future after such a beginning." Topics within this volume include Explorers and Pioneers of Minnesota; an Outline History of the State of Minnesota; an Early History of the Minnesota Valley; the Geology of the Minnesota Valley; the Sioux Massacre of 1862; and histories of the individual counties within the valley. (1882), 2006, CD, Graphic Images, Searchable, Adobe Acrobat, v6, PC and Mac, 1021 pp. 101-CD2636 ISBN: 0788426362