Marriages in the New River Valley, Virginia: Mongtomery, Floyd, Pulaski, and Giles Counties


Marriages in the New River Valley, Virginia: Montgomery, Floyd, Pulaski, and Giles Counties - Therese A. Fisher. Montgomery County was created in 1777 and became the parent county of numerous other counties in present-day western Virginia and West Virginia, including Floyd, Pulaski, and Giles Counties which span most of the New River Valley. Since many of the Valley families were closely connected by intermarriage, the joint presentation of their marriage data should be helpful to researchers interested in that region, and it also affords a more economical format for publishing the information. The data presented here include the marriage bonds, marriage licenses (including applications for marriage licenses), and marriage records (generally derived from minister's returns) as found in the courthouse for each of these jurisdictions. The source of each record is identified by letter codes. Entries are alphabetically arranged by grooms with a cross-index to brides. (1991), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp.

ISBN: 9781556134371
