Old Tenth Legion Marriages in Rockingham County, Virginia from 1778-1816 taken from the Marriage Bonds [paper]


The portion of the Shenandoah Valley that Thomas Jefferson called the Tenth Legion of Democracy included the counties of Rockingham, Shenandoah and Page.

This work is an alphabetized listing of the marriages taken from the marriage bonds found in the Clerk's office of Rockingham County, from 1778-1816, with a few names added from other sources.When looking at the listings, please note there is a guide to facilitate your interpretive efforts located in the Introduction. When looking at the listings, the column of figures on the left refers to the dates on which the bonds were issued. The name following the date belongs to the groom, next the bride, then the father of the bride, and the surety, who was usually the father, brother, other relative or friend of the bride and groom. The letter 'g' placed after a signature indicates that it was written in German. This work discusses the Act of 1705, which not only changed the manner of issuing the licenses and giving bond, it also set up the fees allowed to be charged.

A list of the early ministers in Rockingham County, as determined by the marriage returns is included, along with facsimile reproductions of some German signatures in the original handwriting, and a short list of the 'Marriages of Free Negroes.'

Harry M. Strickler

(1928), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, 128 pp.

ISBN: 9780788422027
