1836 Overton County, Tennessee Civil Districts and Tax List



In December 1835, the Tennessee Legislature enacted a law requiring every county to be laid off in Civil Districts with a written description and a map drawn showing those districts all without the aid of any professional person. In 1836, the first tax listing for each county under the new arrangement was taken in the Civil Districts. These Civil Districts were used for election, school board representation and commissioners, etc. In combining the Tax listing and the Civil District, it is a great vehicle for locating the individual you are researching.

Example from this volume:

District Number 4 - Arms, Archibald; Arms, John; Arms, Robert; Arms, William; Ashlock, Jesse; Ashlock, Thomas; Arterberry, G. W.; and Anderson, J. B.


 James L. Douthat

2001, paper, 32 pp.

ISBN: 9780788487262
