1820 Lawrence County, Tennessee Census


This is the first census of Lawrence County as the area was established as a county in 1817 out of part of Hickman and Maury Counties and named in honor of Captain James Lawrence, of the Chesapeake, who when mortally wounded said to his men: “Don’t give up the ship.” The listings are by the heads of the household with all others in the house by sex/age. Given in this are the slaves by sex/age, freed colored by sex/age and all other persons except Indians not taxed. We also give the occupation of the head of the household.

Example from this volume:

Stroud, Hampton - 010100/10010/0
Heffington, Henry - 100010/10100/0 etc.

Jim L. Douthat

paper, 15 pp.

ISBN: 9780788487682
