1839 DeKalb County, Tennessee Tax List



The county of DeKalb was created by the State of Tennessee in 1837, but it was not until 5 March 1838 that the official organization of the county took place. This 1839 Tax List represents the first full listing of those living in the county at the time within each of the civil districts. The break down by Civil Districts was mandated by the state Legislature in 1835 and this began in 1836 for those counties in existence at the time. This helps especially, when there are more than one person in the county by the same name.

Examples from this volume:

“District No. 1 - page 351
Jenkins, Watt - 50 acres
Jones, Wiley - 140 acres
Jones, Faney
Kemp, Synthia - 50 acres”


James L. Douthat


paper, 18 pp.

ISBN: 9780788487736
