Green Hill Cemetery Tombstones and Burials, Berryville, Clarke County, Virginia, 5th edition


The authors have updated their survey of this major Clarke County cemetery and have faithfully recorded more than 8,700 burials. This brings the cemetery records up to date as of 2011. In addition to the recording of the stones, hours were spent by volunteers from the Clarke County Historical Association combing through the journal records of the cemetery and copying the names of people interred there who had no grave marker. Included for each entry (when available on the tombstone or family plot) is the name of the deceased, date of birth, date of death, cemetery lot number, burial date, and miscellaneous notes. The latter includes any recorded military service, relationships (e.g., wife of, husband of, etc.) and age at time of death, if noted. Arranged alphabetically throughout for easy reference.

Donald R. and Mary L. Royston

2015, 11 x 8 1/2 format, map, ii, 383 pp.
