King George County, Virginia Loose Chancery Papers Volume 1: 1811-1875


King George County, Virginia Loose Chancery Papers Volume 1: 1811-1875.

Elizabeth Nuckols Lee. 1998. 

The information presented in this document represents the results of a county records indexing project which began in January 1996. This project was initiated to index the loose chancery papers found stored away in the King George County Circuit Court Clerk's Office, King George, Virginia. It was funded by a grant administered by the Library of Virginia. The majority of suits dealt with the division of real and personal property of a decedent, when minor children were involved. This was the case when a person had many children over a long period of time, a person had been married more than once, or when an adult child was also deceased and had minor children. The law required that minor children be protected. Suits had to be brought to guarantee that protection. As a result, some chancery bills contain as many as four or five generations of a family. Between 1811 and 1840, surviving chancery papers are few. From 1842 to 1898, the chancery papers appear to have survived for the most part. In 1898, the system for filing chancery papers was modified. Many old pending suits were dismissed or discontinued. Those papers will be included in the second volume. A few chancery papers were stored in the vault from 1898 to 1912 even though most chancery papers of this time period had been filed and indexed previously.
