Western Maryland Genealogy, Volume 14, No. 1-4, 1998


This periodical contains previously unpublished records from Western Maryland. Each volume of Western Maryland Genealogy is sold as a set of four booklets. Includes: Richard Simpson of Frederick County; Marriages & Deaths from the Examiner, 1850; Marriages & Deaths from the Examiner, 1851; Hedges Bible; St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Cumberland, Marriages & Deaths; Frederick County Distributions; Washington County Wills, Liber B; St. John's Catholic Church Baptisms, 1822-1841; First Lot Owners of Westminster; Keefer-Six Bible; Roderick-Hemp Bible; Orphans Court Proceedings, Liber GM 2; Frederick County Court Minutes; George H. Gardner Bible; Hundreds in Frederick County by 1800; Who Was Susanna Clary; Manakee Bible Records; The Six Family of Maryland; 1778 Middle Monocacy Hundred Tax Assessment; Who Was Benedict D. Johnson; 1798 Tax Assessment, Israel Creek and Manor Hundreds; St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Cumberland, Deaths 1846.

Donna Valley Russell, editor

1998, four issues, 224 pp.

ISSN: 0747-7805
