"The Office of Territories is the latest in the long line of administrative units in the Department of the Interior to be responsible in whole or in part for administering Territorial affairs of the U.S. Government. The Office was established on July 28, 1950, by Order No. 2577 of the Secretary of the Interior, to carry out certain of his responsibilities pertaining to areas noncontiguous to the United States and under the jurisdiction of the Government of the United States…The Director of the Office of Territories supervises and directs all activities of the Office…The Office of the Chief Counsel provides legal service and counsel to the Director and to the several divisions of the Office, to the Governors and other administrative officials of the Territories and island possessions, and to the members of Territorial and insular legislatures. The Administrative Division plans, coordinates, and carries on work concerning all phases of its administrative management program. It also advises and assists Territorial operating agencies on matters relating to budget, personnel, property management, and organization and methods. The three geographic divisions of the Office of Territories…perform essentially the same functions concerning each of the Territories they represent. Each division is primarily responsible for initiating and supporting programs designed to improve economic, social, and political conditions in the Territories. Coordination of programs of the Department of the Interior is also an important function of these divisions. The Office of Territories serves as liaison between the Territories and all Federal agencies and the public. It also serves as the Washington representative of the several Governors' offices. The divisions also assist Territorial governments in working out plans and policies for establishing a political status satisfactory to the local populations."
Richard S. Maxwell and Evans Walker
(1963), 2024, CD
ISBN: 9780788493560