Bute County, North Carolina Land Grant Plats and Land Entries


Bute County was formed from Granville County in 1764, and abolished in 1779 to form Warren and Franklin Counties. During Bute County's brief existence, there were 103 land grants issued, one tract entered and one plat made with no grant issued for it. The majority of this volume is comprised of facsimile reprints of original land grant plats that can be found at the archives in Raleigh, North Carolina. Plats and warrants exist for all grants (except file #12). All plats are reproduced in this volume and many of these reproductions are clearer than the dim and faded originals-some mere scraps of paper! The second portion of this volume contains 345 abstracted land entries. These entries include pertinent names, dates and locations. It is important to note that many Bute County entries belong to grants issued later in Warren and Franklin Counties. A surname index is provided, excluding only surveyors John Dent, Joseph Hawkins, and William Christmas. Names are indexed with the plat and entry numbers instead of page numbers.

Brent H. Holcomb

(1974), 2007, 8½x11, paper, index, 130 pp.

ISBN: 9780788416897
