Burials at Wauwatosa Cemetery, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin


Among those laid to rest here are two Revolutionary soldiers, James Morgan and Samuel Riddle. Many Civil War soldiers were interred in this cemetery, and the memorial stones for those soldiers have been included. The earliest birth date found within the cemetery is April 5, 1748, and the earliest burial is 1820. Many times the maiden name of the wife was included on the stones, and some inscriptions also contain the place of birth, place of death, marriage dates, and in one case, the place of marriage, in Germany. Entries include: location of grave, surname, given name(s), maiden name, date and place of birth, date and place of death, inscriptions and comments. Relevant data found elsewhere, such as Civil War service information, has also been included. Not all data appears for each person. This work is complimented with a map of the Wauwatosa Cemetery.


Elizabeth Doherty Herzfeld


(2001), 2015, 5½x8½, paper, index, 248 pp.

ISBN: 9780788419669
