New Castle County, Delaware Land Records, 1755-1762


Land record books were a type of catch-all for many legal documents other than land records. Documents found can include deeds, bonds, releases, powers of attorney, appointments, mortgages, agreements, judgements, quit claims, and more. Relationships are often revealed in the descriptions of the property. This volume includes the records found in Liber S1, which covers 1 August 1755 - 29 February 1760 (pages 1 to 113); and Liber T1, which covers 11 April 1760 - 24 June 1762 (pages 114 to 215). A full-name index adds to the value of this work.

Carol J. Garrett

(1999), 2021, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 250 pp.

ISBN: 9781585490165
