Part One is a general history. Particular attention is given to the Scotch-Irish settlement of the area and the early pioneer days. Indian wars and captivities are also described, as are the effects of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars on the county. Family sketches round out this section. Part Two, the genealogical section, does not contain actual genealogies, but rather comprises many lists of names which will be of major interest to family researchers. These lists include land conveyances from 1741-1780, early patents, tithables of 1778, taxpayers of 1782 and 1841, militia officers prior to 1816, soldiers of the Revolution (with notes as to place and cause of death, rank, value of pension, etc.) and soldiers of the Civil War, including lists of casualties
Oren F. Morton
(1920, 2007), 2020, 5½x8½, paper, index, 608 pp
ISBN: 9780788410260