History of Caroline County, Virginia


In this methodically organized and profusely illustrated volume, Marshall Wingfield recounts the history of Virginia's twenty-ninth county and its most prominent residents, from the founding of the county in 1727 to the First World War. Contains numerous lists of Caroline County residents and other valuable genealogical information. Lists include: names of Caroline citizens whose obituaries appear in the files of the Richmond Enquirer; Commonwealth grants and patents; graduates of Edmund Pendleton, Mica and Sparta High Schools; soldiers and militia officers in the American Revolution; Confederate soldiers; soldiers and Home Guard members during World War One; county sheriffs, judges, justices, clerks and commonwealth attorneys; and Caroline items in Acts of Assembly. Also included are concise genealogies for forty-four Caroline County families and several church histories.

Marshall Wingfield

(1924), 2006, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 544 pp.

ISBN: 9780788409387
