Lincoln County, Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter Session 1810


Found in middle Tennessee, Lincoln County was created on November 14, 1809. These Court of Pleas and Quarter Session are the minutes of the county court in session to govern the county and the activities that are found working in a county. They recorded the hundreds of little items that make a county work, like road orders, deed registering, divorces and the like. Since the county was created in late 1809, this 1810 volume is probably the first records of the area and tell more of the history of the beginning of the county than any other source.

Example from this volume:

Page 6 [original page number] - Brice M. Garner appointed Deputy Ranger and took the oath of office.
Jesse Woodroof who has been named a commissioner for fixing the seat of Justice for Lincoln County appeared in open court and refused to act in that appointment and Hardy Holman was appointed a commissioner in his place by the County Court, a majority being present.
James Fuller records his ear mark [used to mark free range cattle and hogs] a swallow fork in the right ear and under bit in the left, Brand E.

WPA Records

paper, 44 pp.

ISBN: 9780788487019
