Washington County, Virginia Marriage Licenses, 1881-1890


From the Introduction: I started this project in early January 2001 for the Historical Society of Washington County, Virginia. This book completes the ten-year gap between Tom Colley's Washington County Marriages 1853 to 1880 and Jack Hockett and Shelia Hunt's Washington County, Virginia Marriages, 1891-1902. I soon realized that the microfilms used by Tom and Jack did not agree with the information I was finding in the courthouse files. I started comparing the actual marriage licenses with the information in the marriage registers and the indexes.

I have developed a classification system for all the 1881-1900 marriage licenses:

  • Code 1: There is a marriage register record but no license.
  • Code 2: The license and the marriage register agree.
  • Code 3: there is a license but it is not recorded in the marriage register or the record does not reflect the data on the license.

This book of marriage licenses has all the spouses listed in alphabetical order. Just look in the list for the last name. There is a separate index of parents listing all parents by last name.

William R. Wheeler

(2001), 2012, 8" x 10", paper, alphabetic by groom's name, parent name index, 205 pp.
