The 1930 School Census of Sonoma County, California


The 1930 School Census of Sonoma County, California - Sonoma County Genealogical Soc. The Statutes of California, 1929, required every elementary school district in the state to take a school census of all minors under the age of 18 during the first full week of October 1930, regardless of whether they were in school or not, and every three years thereafter. School registrars were required to file their reports with the county superintendent of schools, and their compliance was assured by withholding funds from schools that did not comply. Volunteers from the Sonoma County Genealogical Society undertook the task of extracting as much information as possible from these records to create this extensive two-volume set. To augment the records and facilitate research, a handy guide to reading the set of tables, complete with a list of district/school codes that include the townships and nearest town or area; codes for private schools, business schools, colleges, and out-of-town schools; codes for birthplace and citizenship; a map of Sonoma County Townships, circa 1896-1897; and an appendix devoted to demographics have been included.

Part One includes: name, sex, date and place of birth, race, school, grade, reason (if not in school), residence, living with whom, father's given name, and mother's given name. Part Two includes: name, living parent, father's birthplace and citizenship, mother's birthplace and citizenship, person who signed registration and their relationship, and elementary school district.

2004, 8½x11, paper, alpha., 2 vols., 712 pp.

101-S2464 ISBN: 0788424645