The German Correspondent: Translation and Transcription of Marriages, Deaths and Selected Articles of Genealogical Interest, 1879-1883 [2 volumes]


One of the most fruitful sources of historical and genealogical data concerning nineteenth-century German-Americans in Baltimore City is the German-language newspaper. Because of barriers of language, legibility and accessibility, this same resource is one of the most infrequently utilized tools of family history research.

Although not always the largest of the dozen or so nineteenth century German-language publications in Baltimore, Der Deutsche Correspondent was one of the longest lasting. Nineteen-year-old immigrant Friederich Raine founded the paper in 1848 and the final issue of the paper was published in 1918. The author has translated and transcribed a wealth of information published in Der Deutsche Correspondent to create this useful resource. Volume I contains an index to deaths and obituaries. Entries include: surname of deceased, given name of deceased, age at death, survivor names, date of death, date of publication, obituary, and birthplace. The obituary check box lets researchers know that there is at least one detailed article above and beyond the death notice. Volume II contains an index to marriages and an index to selected articles of genealogical interest (wedding anniversaries, divorces and notices). A wide variety of material is found under Notices—anything from a list of emigrants sought by German embassies, to thanking those involved in a relative’s funeral services, to missing persons; and much more. Marriage entries include: surname and given name of first spouse, surname and given name of second spouse, date of marriage, and date of publication. Entries for the selected articles of genealogical interest include: surname and given name (1), surname and given name (2), publication date, event type, and comments.

Gary B. Ruppert, MD

2008, 8½x11, paper, alphabetical, 2 vols., 638 pp.

ISBN: 9780788446016
