A Concise Account of North America, 1765: With Preface and Appendix by his 5th Great Nephew, William Michael Gorman


This historical treasure contains a "description of the several British Colonies on that Continent, including the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, &c. As To Their Situation, Extent, Climate, Soil, Produce, Rise, Government, Religion, Present Boundaries, and the Number of Inhabitants supposed to be in each. Also of the interior, or Westerly Parts of the Country, upon the Rivers St. Lawrence, the Mississippi, Christino, and the Great Lakes. To which is subjoined, An Account of the several Nations and Tribes of Indians residing in those Parts, as to their Customs, Manners, Government, Numbers, &c. Containing many useful and entertaining facts never before treated of." Thomas Jefferson had a copy of Rogers' Concise Account of North America and sent Lewis and Clark on their famous expedition, following the Missouri River as Rogers had claimed would lead to the Shining Mountains and Oregon River, which flowed to the Pacific Ocean. William Gorman, a descendant of Major Robert Rogers, has modernized the text and corrected spelling for the ease of the reader. Notes regarding these corrections, with the original spelling and explanations of text corrections, can be found in the appendix.

Robert Rogers

(1765, 2004), 2007, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, 220 pp.

ISBN: 9780788442810
