Every Marine, 1968 Vietnam: A Battle for Go Noi Island


Few military memoirs are as powerful or moving as Every Marine. This book is filled with heroes and our debt to their sacrifices is beautifully understated but never more eloquently expressed. Marines that joined up between the years of 1966 and 1970 knew that they were going to war in Vietnam. Their reasons may have varied, but these young men were, for the most part, ready for the ultimate experience of their lives. The author was one of these Marines.

Although not technically an island, Go Noi Island is surrounded by rivers, streams and roads. The "Island" traditionally served as a staging area for NVA units preparing for future attacks on the Da Nang area. News of upcoming operations in this sector always brought fear and anticipation for the forthcoming battle, as everyone knew that the enemy would be engaged on his own turf. The battles for this prized sector were fought time and again by many units: operation Allen Brook, operation Meade River, and operation Pipestone Canyon. Operation Allen Brook is representative of all these battles and serves as a tribute to all Vietnam Marines.

This book takes the reader from the emergency formation of a Marine battalion at Camp Pendleton, California, to the battlefields of Vietnam where they slowly honed their war skills before joining the battle on Go Noi Island. Individual Marines describe the events and their feelings in their own words.

Robert Simonsen

(2005), 2008, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, 494 pp.

ISBN: 9780788433511
