A Collection of Articles form the "Heritage and Heraldry" Column of the Page News and Courier August 1997-September 2001
This volume is arranged in chronological sections: Pre-Colonial, Early Colonial and the Revolution (ten articles); Early Nineteenth Century (eight articles); Civil War Events and Personalities (thirty articles); Miscellaneous Stories Relating to Page County in the Civil War (sixteen articles); Surnames and Genealogical Research Tools (twenty-two articles) and Miscellaneous (seventeen articles). The first two sections examine the early German immigrants' influence, the slavery controversy and early African-American population of Page County. The largest section concentrates on Page County's Civil War history, including military organizations, little-known battles, local military leaders and units, and genealogical resources. Further genealogy articles discuss Huguenots and Hessians as well as some local families: Aleshire, Broyles, Cave, Chapman, Dorraugh, Dovel, Hilliard, Kiser, Nauman, Nicholson, Purdom and Roudabush. Many good research leads are provided. The final section covers a wide assortment of subjects, from locally cultivated apple varieties to witches. The comprehensive index includes names, places, events and military units.
Robert H. Moore, II
(2005), 2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 244 pp.
ISBN: 9781585499540