Historical Relics of the White Mountains: Also, A Concise White Mountain Guide


This little volume rescues the historical relics of the White Mountains, anciently named Agiochook, from the twilight of forgetfulness. "All old authentic records agree, that the aborigines unitedly had a peculiar superstitious veneration for these mountains. They considered them the dwelling-place of the invisible One, who, with a motion of his hand, could raise a storm; and accordingly they deemed it pardonless sacrilege to ascend them." Spaulding opens with the Native American legend of the origin of the White Mountains, followed by an account of the first explorers in 1631, and geographical features. Native lore such as the Indian Ghost, remarkable feats in White Mountain life, notable places like the Tip Top House and daring exploits of fearless adventurers such as Robert Rogers are briefly touched on. Each topic receives very brief consideration, but you can open this book at any page and enjoy an interesting tidbit. A new fullname index has been added to aid researchers.

John H. Spaulding

(1855), 2003, paper, index, 107 pp.

ISBN: 9780788422850
