Boylston, Massachusetts in the Civil War


The Letters Home of Pvt. John W. Partridge with Biographical Sketches of Other Boylston Soldiers

The bulk of this work is made up of the letters of Boylston native Private John W. Partridge written as he served (primarily in NC) with the 25th Regiment of Massachusetts Infantry and the U.S. Signal Corps from 1861-1864. A scholar and an educator, Partridge provides comprehensive firsthand observations on military life, the miseries of pickett duty, and the horrors of battle. Also of interest to many will be his comments on the customs and conditions of the slaves he encountered. Partridge intended that his letters be preserved as a journal so that he could refer to them upon his return home. Having died in the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia, he never saw his letters again.

The rest of the book is composed of a biography of Partridge, letters from Partridge's commanding officer, biographical information on other Boylston men who served, and pertinent town records.

Frederick G. Brown

1995, paper, 198 pp.

ISBN: 9780788402258
