Rains County, Texas School Census, 1936-1939


Prior to the mid-1960s there were twenty-six school districts in Rains County. An annual family census was taken for each school district which provides an abundance of information for the genealogist and historian. Frequently these records, which are now stored in the county judge's office in the courthouse at Emory, Rains County, Texas, are used as proof by individuals to meet social security requirements or to verify birth dates for other legal purposes. The Family Census Blank for each district provides the following information: school district name, number and county; name of each child between the ages of six and eighteen in each household; birth date, sex and age for each enumerated child; handicap, if any; name of county in which the family lived in the preceding census year; how long the family had lived in the school district for which the census was being taken; nationality of the family; names of the father and mother; signature of parent, guardian or person responsible for the child or children; address of the family and/or child; name of the farm the family and/or child lived on, if living on a farm; signature of census trustee; date the information was recorded.

A map of Rains County is included in order to pinpoint the location of each school district. The compilers have grouped the names of children by year; within each year's listing, the names are grouped by school district. Names are listed in family groups with the children listed in the order they were listed on the Family Census Blanks. A cumulative every-name index for all twenty-six school districts is included.

Elaine N. Bay and Henrietta Welch

(1993), 2016, 5½x8½, paper, index, 252 pp.

ISBN: 9780788408465
