Early Missourians and Kin [2 volumes]


A Genealogical Compilation of Inter-Related Early Missouri Settlers, Their Ancestors, Descendants, and Other Kin

This unusual work shows by means of a clever set of charts and tables the ancestors and descendants of about 100 early Missouri settlers. Altogether about 14,000 people are named in this two volume set, all of whom are inter-related by blood or marriage. The bulk of each volume consists of an alphabetical listing of individuals with brief genealogical data, such as date and place of birth, marriage, and death, and a code number. Using the code number, the researcher can check the sibling group charts for an individual's relationships to parents and other ancestors, descendants, and aunts, uncles, cousins, and other kin, and can then refer back to the alphabetical listing for additional vital statistic information. While the genealogical data given on any particular individual is very limited, the primary purpose of this work is to establish relationships; after a few minutes' study, the reader can quickly trace lines of ascent and descent beginning with any person in the book. Although the focus is on Missouri, many of the ancestors and descendants lived in other states. Some background on the settlement of Missouri is included.

Roy Burgess

(1984, 1987, 2000), 2013, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, 2 volumes, 361+368 pp.

ISBN: 9781556134623
