Al Baeta competed for and learned from legendary Cal coach Brutus Hamilton. Following graduation from University of California Berkeley, he served as air intelligence officer on an admiral's staff while plying the Pacific aboard the carrier USS Lexington. At completion of his service, Baeta returned home to his beloved city of Sacramento. After acquiring a master's degree and a teaching credential, he accepted a position at Mira Loma High School as head track and field and cross country coach. In midyear 1964, he left to begin a 32-year tenure in the same position at American River Community College, ending in 1996. Having witnessed remarkably exacting standards at Cal and in the Navy, he sought the attainment and continuance of excellence, and soon built a powerful running program. Year after year — almost without fail — his Beaver cross country teams won conference honors, were regularly Northern California team champions, and scored well-deserved high finishes at the State championships. His track teams were similarly successful. Greatness creates its own beckoning light, and in 1992, the U.S. Track and Field Association selected Al Baeta to serve as an assistant manager and coach for the 1992 U.S. Men's Olympic track and field team. Four years later, having demonstrated his terrific value to the Olympic program, USA Track and Field called on Coach Baeta to serve as Team Leader for the 1996 U.S. Men's Track and Field team. Readers will find, within these pages, his words from the 1960s and 70s, as well as observations and reflections from today, and run competitively, albeit vicariously, with his Beavers. One hundred ten photographs, appendices, and an index to full names add value to this work.
Cdr. David D. Bruhn, USN (retired) and Al Baeta
2024, 6" x 9", paper, index, 278 pp.
ISBN: 9780788435775