Beneath Old Rooftrees


A chance question regarding the role of men from towns other than Lexington and Concord in the famous battles there in 1775 led the writer to make an extensive study of the participants using church, town, and published records, as well as interviews with venerable descendants of the participants. This the first volume to result from that study, deals with participants from Cambridge, Medford, Menotomy (Arlington), Waltham, Lexington, Woburn, Woburn Precinct (Burlington), Lincoln, Bedford, Billerica, Concord, Carlisle, Acton, Littleton, and Groton. It provide a very personal view of the participants, includes numerous extracts from their journals and diaries, and is profusely illustrated with sixty-eight photographs and etchings, primarily of the homesteads - most of which are now undoubtedly gone, A new every-name index has been added for the benefit researchers.

Abram Brown


ISBN: 9781556131073
