History of Niagara, Ontario, Canada with Fifty Illustrations


"The work is an example of elaborate and untiring investigation. It embodies the fullest details of the history of Niagara. All the phases of the town's existence since the days of Governor Simcoe, every incident that reveals the close connection between the growth of the place and the development of the Province, are to be found here. The local narrative is in itself of wide interest because Niagara is a kind of mother-colony, and from it have gone forth to other parts of Canada families and individuals retaining memories and traditions of the early settlement. But the book is much more than local in its theme. As the first capital of Upper Canada, where the Legislature began its sessions, as a battle-ground in the War of 1812, as a border town intimately associated with international disturbances, Niagara touches national history at many points. Miss Carnochan has left nothing unrecorded. From the rich stores of her knowledge have been drawn details of political, social, religious, educational and commercial beginnings. We get a complete picture of life in one of our oldest and most interesting towns, and can reconstruct in the mind's eye what Canada was like more than a century ago." — From the Foreword by A. H. U. Colquhoun. The author added "In Part" to the title hoping that others would continue Niagara's history as "still much remains untold." Chapters include: Niagara; Early Census and Municipal Records; Navy Hall and Fort George; First Parliament and Governor Simcoe; The United Empire Loyalist; General Sir Isaac Brock; Butler's Barracks; American Occupation, May 27th to December 10th, 1813; Fort Niagara; Niagara Library, 1800-1820; St. Mark's Church; Newspapers; St. Andrew's Church; Streets and Maps of the Town; Early Buildings and Early Merchants; Freemasons; Schools, Public and Private; The Boats and Harbor and Dock Company; Assemblies, Balls and Celebrations; Growth of the Town and Changes; The Mayors of Niagara and the Town Records; The Jail and the Court House; The Methodist Church; Military; The Baptist Church; Graveyards of Niagara and Vicinity; Indians, Their Treaties and Council Meetings; St. Vincent de Paul Church; Africans in Niagara; Odd Advertisements and Items Found in Niagara Papers; Canada Presbyterian Church; Niagara Public Library; Niagara High School; Statutes Passed in Parliament Relating to Niagara from 1792 to 1840; Physicians and Lawyers; Post Offices and Postmasters; Obituary Notices; Societies and Clubs; Societies; Books Printed or Written Here; Poems Relating to Niagara; Fruit in the Niagara Peninsula; References to Early Books of Travel; Visitors at Niagara; and, Closing Words. Fifty illustrations and an index to full-names, places and subjects add to the value of this work.

Janet Carnochan

(1914), 2016, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 402 pp.

ISBN: 9780788426148
