South County Studies of Some Eighteenth Century Persons, Places and Conditions In that Portion of Rhode Island called Narragansett


This book introduces the reader to John Saffin, Parson Fayerweather, the Willett family, and others. It offers a thoughtful account of various aspects of early Rhode Island life, which include: slavery, servitude, household medicine, "The Worldly Goods of a Puritan," "The Conflict of Colonial Authorities in Narragansett," and much more. A Preface by Caroline Hazard is compiled largely from letters by Oliver Wendell Holmes. These letters are filled with praise for the writing of Esther Bernon Carpenter. "The letters from Dr. Holmes speak in some detail of many of the papers contained in this volume—the Friends' Meeting House, the Helme Family, the Fayerweathers, the Historical Society study of the Huguenot Influence in Rhode Island. They also are the best indication of the ardent spirit that lived in that frail body." An index to full names, places and subjects completes this fine work.

Esther Carpenter

(1924), 2010, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 316 pp.

ISBN: 9780788430213
