CD: Delaware Bible Records, Volumes 1-4


This CD-ROM contains four volumes of Delaware Bible Records. A compilation of Bible records originally collected by members of the Delaware chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution, primarily covering the late 1700's through the early 1900's (the earliest record is dated 1652 and the latest is dated 1960.)

Many entries include a description of the origin of the records, such as the owner of the original Bible, where it was printed, the name of the publisher, and by whom the records were copied. In addition to marriage, birth, and death information, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes attached to or written on the pages, and personal letters found in the Bibles are also transcribed. The author provides additional biographical information at times, as well as explaining spelling peculiarities of a name and describing any unique physical characteristics of the Bibles. An index is provided to help the researcher locate buried names within the records. (Donald O. Virdin, the compiler of the previous volumes, has written a preface to Volume 4, which introduces Donald M. Hehir as the new compiler.)

Donald O. Virdin and Donald M. Hehir

2000, CD, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat, v6, PC and Mac, 693 pp.

ISBN: 9780788414121
