This CD-ROM contains electronic reprints of the following four volumes of Maine history: Vital Records from Maine Newspapers, 1785-1820 - David C. Young and Elizabeth Keene Young (1993). The abstracts in this volume are from over 35 weekly Maine newspapers. Most of the records abstracted include marriages, deaths, notices of runaways, estate notices, and some of the unusual and sensational headlines of the day, all organized alphabetically. Appendices include dates of publication of unpaid taxes of 1814 and/or 1816, a list of names of Lawyers, Physicians, Justices of the Peace and clergy. Marriage Notices from the Maine Farmer, 1833-1852 - Elizabeth Keene Young and Benjamin Lewis Keene (1995). The Maine Farmer carried marriage notices from the entire state, but most of the entries were from the Kennebec Valley. The book is alphabetically arranged and includes both brides' and groom's names. A citation at the end of each entry gives the date of the newspaper issue in which the original notice appeared. A helpful appendix lists all of the ministers mentioned in the book. Abstracts of Death Notices (1833-1852 and Miscellaneous News Articles (1833-1924) From the Maine Farmer - David C. Young and Benjamin Lewis Keene (1997). This collection of abstracts includes birth, death and other miscellaneous news items. The abstracts are arranged alphabetically by surname. In addition to the abstracts this volume contains letters written by children which often reveal important details of family history. The volume also includes letters and comments from the newspaper's readers. Stackpole's History of Winthrop, Maine, with Genealogical Notes - David C. Young and Elizabeth Keene Young (1994). Mr. John Benjamin, town clerk (1849-1862) compiled the data used by Everett S. Stackpole to write the original history, printed in 1925. The original volume covered 143 of the 253 early families listed in the 1790 Census for Winthrop. This second edition covers all of the 253 early families. Prior to 1791, Wintrhop included all or part of: Readfield, Hallowell, Augusta (Harrington), Fayette (Sterling and 30 Mile River), Mt. Vernon (Washington), Manchester (Kennebec Plt.), Wayne (New Sandwich) and Monmouth (Wales). Also included is a narrative history of the town. Maps, three new indices are included.
HB Archives
2000, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat, PC or Mac, 2772 pp.
ISBN: 9780788414237