CD: Connecticut, Volume 2


History and genealogy:

  • Connecticut Divorces: Superior Court Records for the Counties of Litchfield, 1752-1922, and Hartford, 1740-1849 - Barbara B. Ferris and Grace Louise Knox (1989). Contains abstracts of all the divorces filed.
  • The Bench and Bar of Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1709-1909 - Dwight Kilbourne (1909). Contains biographical sketches of members, history and a catalogue of the Litchfield Law School.
  • Honor Roll of Litchfield County Revolutionary Soldiers

    Josephine Ellis Richards. (1912). This index provides the soldier's fullname, source of the record, and associated page number(s).

  • Bristol, Connecticut

    Eddy N. Smith, George Benton Smith and Allena J. Dates. (1907). Early history, from the 17th century to the first publication.

  • The Memorial History of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1633-1884, Vols. 1 and 2 - J. Hammond Trumbull. (1886).
  • The County Regiment: A Sketch of the Second Regiment of Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery, Originally the Nineteenth Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War

    Dudley Landon Vaill. (1908). From descriptions of sleeping in mud, to charging across open fields under enemy fire, the writing style puts-you-there.

  • A Genealogical Register of the Inhabitants of the Town of Litchfield, Connecticut

    George C. Woodruff. (1845). Alphabetical listing of inhabitants of Litchfield, Conn. (1720-1800), compiled from town records.

HB Archives

2000, CD-ROM, Adobe Acrobat, PC or Mac, 3464 pp.

ISBN: 9780788414749
