CD: Virginia, Volume 5


This CD-ROM contains:

Marriage Records of Warren County, Virginia, 1836-1853: Including Marriage Bonds and Minister's Returns- Rebecca H. Good and Joan D. Hackett. (1993). The abstracts include all names found in the original records.

The Old Virginia Gentleman and Other Sketches- George W. Bagby (1911). Bagby was an original, painting pictures of antebellum VA which reflected the human nature of the universe. A full name index is included.

Historical Collections of Virginia: Containing a Collection of the Most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c. Relating to its History and Antiquities, together with Geographical and Statistical Descriptions. To Which is Appended, and Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the District of Columbia- Henry Howe (1845). A general history to 1845, the results of the 1840 government census, and an alphabetic survey of the counties, touching on local history, geography and prominent citizens.

Virginia Carolorum: The Colony Under the Rule of Charles the First and Second, 1625-1685, Based Upon Manuscripts and Documents of the Period- Edward D. Neill (1886). Narrates 60 years in the history of VA as a British colony to 1685. Chronicles legislative actions, relations with Indians, Spaniards and the colony of MD.

Manors of Virginia in Colonial Times- Edith Tunis Sale (1909). A quaint discourse on the early Tidewater plantations of the colony of VA, rich with architectural detail and genealogical data on the many families who have inhabited them over the years. The text is enhanced by over 60 illustrations and the original full name and subject index is included.

The History of Orange County, Virginia - W. W. Scott (1907). Contains the history of Orange Co., from its formation in 1734 to the end of Reconstruction in 1870, and was compiled mainly from original records. Also included is a brief sketch of the beginnings of VA settlement and a summary of local events to 1907.

HB Archives

2000, CD-ROM, Adobe Acrobat, PC or Mac, 2188 pp.

ISBN: 9780788415227
