Now on CD-ROM! Missouri became a state in 1821, with the stipulation that free blacks could not be prevented from entering or remaining in the state. Since many other slave states restricted freed slaves and free blacks from staying within their borders, they migrated to Missouri. Finding source material that offers practical value to Missourians of African ancestry is the largest, single obstacle in researching their family history.
Volume One includes information on individuals from the late 1700s to this century. Sources include: the Roster of the 56th Regiment U.S.C.T. Infantry; slave schedules of Maries, Dunklin, Chariton, and Reynolds counties; church and school records; burial records of Ste. Genevieve, Cooper, and Iron counties; plantation records of Saline and Montgomery counties; black marriages of Callaway and Morgan counties; county and circuit court records of Howard, Callaway, and Boone counties; cemetery records of 18 counties; runaway notices from the Missouri Intelligencer; Acts by the Twelfth General Assembly; and Contraband Negroes, Tipton Post, (Moniteau Co.) 1862. A brief summary of the laws and statutes affecting both free blacks and slaves has also been included.
Volume Two gives information from the 1800s to this century. The chapters are compiled from the following material: census records; military enlistments; marriage records of Nodaway, Jefferson, Miller, Dade, Cooper and Audrain counties; cemetery records of 18 counties; slave schedules of Cole and Osage counties; burial records of Greene, Oregon, Livingston, Callaway and Barton counties; church records; territorial records; transfers; sales; hires; and compensation claims.
The volume concludes with a Resolution by the first Session of the Tenth General Assembly, which regards slavery. Both volumes are excellent research tools.
Teresa Blattner
(1993, 1998) 2003, CD, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat, PC and MAC, 352 pp.
ISBN: 9780788422065