CD: Two Hundred and Fifty-Fifth Annual Report of the Various Officers of the Town of Rowley, for the Year ending February 9, 1894


This small volume contains the records for the town of Rowley for one year. The reports include the Department of Roads, the Department of Schools, the Department of General Charges, Soldiers' Relief, the Abatement of Taxes, Special Expenditures, the Suppression of Liquor Traffic, Memorial Day, Uncollected Taxes, the Department of Poor, the Treasurer's Department, the Financial Condition of the Town, the Aggregate of Polls, Property, Taxes, etc., the Lists of Jurors as Proposed for 1894, a Brief Statement, the Free Public Library and Librarian's Report, the Cemetery Commissioners, the Stickney Fund, the Town Clerk's Department, Warrants, and the School Committee.

Town of Rowley [Massachusetts]

(1894), 2006, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Searchable, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 54 pp.

ISBN: 9780788427206
