"This volume gives a full exposition of the city's history after the town obtained a charter, and during the administrations of the first and second mayors…" with a cursory sketch of the earlier chronicles. In addition to the introductory materials, this history is divided into three main sections: The Prehistoric Period and Natural History, Early History, and The Colonial Period. The first section covers the geology, the fauna and the flora of the Boston area. The second section covers early European voyagers in Massachusetts Bay, the earliest maps of Massachusetts Bay and Boston Harbor and the earliest exploration and settlement of Boston Harbor. The third section covers the Massachusetts Company, the founding of Boston, the Puritan Commonwealth, the rise of dissenting faiths, the Indians of Eastern Massachusetts, neighboring jurisdictions, Philip's War, the struggle to maintain the Charter of King Charles I, the literature of the period, the topography and landmarks during the Colonial Period, and Boston families prior to 1700. Numerous maps and illustrations highlight the text and a subject, place and everyname index gives easy access to information.
Justin Winsor
(1882), 2006, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Searchable, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 645 pp.
ISBN: 9780788430961