CD: Maddox, A Southern Maryland Family


"Since the middle of the seventeenth century, the Maddox families have figured prominently in the history of Maryland, primarily in St. Mary's and Charles Counties. According to available records, the progenitor of this large family was Samuel Maddox, born in Wales about 1640." Samuel Maddox arrived in St. Mary's County about 1665 and established his home in the present-day village of Maddox. His descendants, primarily in Maryland, are recorded on these pages. The book begins with an examination of ancient Maddox family history and legends, Maddox families in Maryland, the Arms of Maddox, and Green Spring Farm (the manor home of Samuel Maddox). Individual chapters are devoted to: Samuel Maddox (1640-1684), John Notley Maddox (1761-1837), John Maddox (1705-1785), Notley Maddox (1751/54-1813), John Compton Maddox (1791-1863), Edward Maddox (1799-1866), Notley Compton Maddox (1801-1877), Alexander Compton Maddox (1803-1859), Notley Warren Maddox (died/1816), and Joe Crawford (1830-1917). The final chapters are concerned with the associated families of Maryland; Maddox families of Virginia and Somerset County, Maryland; miscellaneous Maddox records of Charles County, Maryland; and miscellaneous records of St. Mary's and Prince George's Counties, Maryland. An appendix contains marriage and land records. Several vintage photographs, facsimile reprints of original documents, maps, a bibliography and a full name index add to the value of this work.

William Neal Hurley, Jr.

2005, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 304 pp.

ISBN: 9780788439094
