This book can be a very useful tool for genealogist with over 1,333 descendants of John Hite, who came to Virginia in 1656, of which 698 are Hights and 304 Hites (all of the same family, but varied spellings); and 495 other surnames including 53 Thompsons, 33 John sons, 28 Smiths, 25 Wall aces, 22 Wells, 21 Wilkensons and 20 Willhites, and also the surnames Acres, Augusta, Bacon, Chambly, Cotton, Demastus, Duffer, Gee, Hurlow, Hopkins, Hudson, Jones, Maben, McDaniel, Neblett, Sheffield, Simmons, and Ystrom can be found. At each generation, efforts have been made to provide data for researchers interested in going back in time. At any generation where you find a relative you can go back to the person's parent, and then backward to the very first Hight.
Robert E. Wallace
2005, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 186 pp.
ISBN: 9780788439209