"During the years since the creation of his office, The Adjutant General has been charged with matters pertaining to the command, discipline, and administration of the military establishment and has had the duties of recording, authenticating, and communicating to the troops and individuals in the military service orders, instructions, and regulations issued by the Secretary of War; of preparing and distributing commissions; of compiling and issuing the Army Register and the Army List and Directory; of consolidating the general returns of the Army and Militia; and of managing the recruiting service. He has also had other duties falling within the functions of the Office. The Adjutant General's Office is, then, essentially one handling records, orders, and correspondence of the Army. To it finally come for custody practically all records concerned with the Military Establishment, including personnel of the Army, both Regular and Volunteer, together with large bodies of other records representing discontinued commands, special collections, and noncurrent holdings of bureaus of the War Department. The records representing the central correspondence of the Office constitute one continuous series of files from 1800 to date…The Record and Pension Office records…form an integral part of the records of the Adjutant General's Office and are described in this inventory."
Lucille H. Pendell and Elizabeth Bethel
(1949), 2007, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 149 pp.
ISBN: 9780788440199