CD: Preliminary Checklist of the Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library, 1775-1910: Record Group 45 - James R. Masterson. The Office of Naval Records was originally a library; "later it undertook the publication of manuscript naval records; and ultimately, though retaining its earlier functions, it developed into an archival agency, authorized to acquire records from all units of the Navy and the Navy Department and also from sources outside the Department." In 1915 the Library and the Naval War Record Office became the Office of Naval Records and Library. "The general system of arrangement of entries in this checklist, as exhibited in the table of contents, is determined by the known or presumed origin of the records, classified as records (1) created by the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, (2) created by the Board of Navy Commissioners, (3) created by bureaus of the Navy Department, (4) created by naval shore establishments, (5) created by boards and commissions, (6) created outside the Navy Department, by the Federal Government, other governments, or private citizens, (7) assembled from both official and private sources and combined by the Office of Naval Records and Library to form new series, and (8) prepared by that Office as indexes and registers for records in the Naval Records Collection…The greater part of the Collection consists of records that originated in the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, including nearly all its bound records of dates previous to 1886. Nearly all the records of the Board of Navy Commissioners are in the Collection. Records created by other units of the Navy Department form only a small part of the Collection…" (1945), 2006, CD, Adobe Acrobat, v6, Graphic Images, PC and Mac, 164 pp.
ISBN: 9780788440311