CD: Preliminary Inventory of the Textual Records of United States Army Coast Artillery Districts and Defenses, 1901-42: Record Group 392


This inventory has been arranged in two parts: the coast artillery districts and the coast or harbor defense commands. "In describing the records of the coast artillery districts, those for the named districts, 1913-20, precede those for the numbered districts, 1920-42. The subordinate defense commands have been described in alphabetical order by the name of the command. The defense commands with records not extending beyond 1925 have been designated as coast defense commands, whereas those with records extending beyond 1925 have been designated as harbor defense commands." There are four types of record books. The Battery Emplacement Book contains the name of the battery, a citation of authority for the name, a brief reference to the person for whom it was named, and a description of the position finding system. The Fort Record Book Proper, contains a citation of the authority for the name of the fort and a brief reference to the person for whom it was named; a general history of the fort, general data, a general summary of the fortifications, and a list of names of commanding officers of the fort, with dates of service. The Fort Record Book File contains blueprints or tracings of communication wiring, cable routings, and fire-control diagrams; plans of batteries, storage magazines, submarine mine casemates, and powerhouses; and sketches of searchlight locations. The Mine Command Record Book contains data on the fire-control system, mining casemates, mine material, mine boats, buildings and wharves, and explosives, with important correspondence, reports, lists and records. The appendix gives the names of forts in which one or more of these four types of record books were kept and the entry numbers for the series in which the books are described.

Sarah D. Powell

(1967), 2007, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 38 pp.

ISBN: 9780788440366
