CD: Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Essex County, Massachusetts


"The present volume of the Biographical Review…may be considered fairly representative of the intelligent, industrious, enterprising population, urban and rural, of Essex County, in the last decade of the nineteenth century. Many of the names here set forth reveal descendants of the original colonists of this early settled section of the old Bay State; others, the children and grandchildren of later comers; and yet others denote worthy citizens of foreign birth or parentage - loyal Americans all, useful to State and nation, and well reputed." This volume presents biographies of men of the times including both personal and family history. An everyname index and a list of illustrations provide easy access for the reader.

Biographical Review Publishing Company

(1898), 2006, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 631 pp.

ISBN: 9780788442162
