CD: The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, A Work of Universal Reference in All Departments of Knowledge with a New Atlas of the World, Volume X


This Atlas is an excellent resource for historians interested in historical maps. "All the maps have been made especially for this Atlas, and have been based upon the latest and best official information…Those of the United States are founded upon maps issued by the United States government, and also upon many others published by State and local authorities; those of England, on the map of the Ordnance Survey; and those of all other countries upon similar authoritative materials. The railroads, which are printed in red to increase the legibility and attractiveness of the maps, are shown in accordance with the most recent official information; the figures for depth of water in seas, bays, and harbors have been taken from the British Admiralty charts and those of the United States Hydrographic Office; the heights of mountains and the elevations of lakes are those given by the latest surveys; and the various political divisions are exhibited in accordance with the most recent adjustments…The selection of names of places has been determined, in general, by their population; the intention has been, however, to include, as far as possible, all places, however small, which are of considerable interest from their historical significance, or to the tourist…Besides the general geographical and political matter, a number of details have been added to this Atlas which are not usually included, and which give it exceptional completeness as a work of reference. Among them are the main routes of discovery and exploration in North America, the West Indies, South America, Africa, Australia, and the North Polar Regions; the marking of a large number of sites of important battles, ancient and modern, on land and sea; submarine cables and important steamship routes; standard times, and the 'date-line'; important highways and caravan routes in countries where there are few railroads or none; lines of equal depth of water corresponding to the 'contour-lines' on land; important lights and lighthouses; a special travel-map of Central Europe" and more.

The Century Company

(1902), 2006, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Searchable, Adobe Acrobat, PC or Mac, 548 pp.

ISBN: 9780788442865
