CD: Archives of Maryland, Volume XXII: Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March, 1697/8-July, 1699


During this period Nicholson was removed from Maryland to the government of Virginia. "Nicholson, desirous, before his departure from Maryland, to heap coals of fire upon the heads of the perverse Delegates, applied to the English Committee of Trade to procure from the King an Act of pardon for the Province…The Delegates, far from being overjoyed at the royal clemency, drily remarked that they were not conscious that the Province labored under any guilt, and therefore humbly conceived that no pardon was needed." Nicholson left Maryland in "high dudgeon" that the Delegates would refuse this act of grace. His successor was Nathaniel Blakiston, a descendant of an old Northumbrian family. His father was Mayor of Newcastle in 1645, and one of the judges who pronounced sentence of death on Charles I. In 1698, Nathaniel was admitted to the Merchant Adventurers' Company of London, and was appointed Governor of Maryland to succeed Nicholson. His relations with the Delegates were characterized by unusual cordiality. Due to ill health, he resigned his office in 1701 and returned to England.

William Hand Browne

(1902), 2007, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Searchable, Adobe v6, PC or Mac, 599 pp.

ISBN: 9780788445361
