The Virginia Genealogist, Volume 19, 1975


Elizabeth City County, Virginia, 1800 Tax List; The Old Johnson Graveyard, Frederick Co, VA; Register of Rebel Deserters Taking the Oath of Allegiance, Provost Marshal, Department of VA and NC, May 1864 to April 1865; Virginia Executive Papers; Rockbridge Co, VA, Tithable Lists, 1778-1779; A Guide to the Counties of Virginia: Nansemond, Nelson, New Kent, Nicholas, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottoway, Ohio, and Orange Counties; Essex Co, VA 1800 Tax List; Inquisitions on Escheated Land, 1665-1676; Some Delinquent Taxpayers, 1787-1790; Westmoreland Co, VA, Tithables, 1776; Prince William Co, VA Order Book 1759- 1761; Fairfax Co, VA 1800 Tax List; Logan Co, WV 1824 Tax List; numerous family articles, Bibles, and notes, and the usual book reviews.

John Frederick Dorman, ed.

(1975), reprint, 5½x8½, paper, index, 391 pp.

ISBN: 9780788400278
