Marriages and Deaths from Eastern Shore [Maryland] Newspapers, 1790-1835


Newspapers are an important source of genealogical and biographical information, but without an index the valuable information is difficult to retrieve. With this in mind, we published the series, Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts in 8 volumes, several years ago. It covered the period, 1790-1835. This early series encompassed items relating to news events, property sales and rentals, chancery cases (in which heirs were located outside the state), runaway slaves, runaway wives, and other concerns of the times - and marriages and deaths. In our new volume, we have narrowed our focus to just marriages and deaths contained in the earlier 8-volume series. The purpose was to achieve a degree of improved convenience and economy. We hope the reader will find this new work especially helpful in that regard.

F. Edward Wright

(2002, 2008), 2011, 8½x11, paper, index, 338 pp.

ISBN: 9780788439926
