Blount County, Tennessee Chancery Court Records, Book 0 and Book 1, 1852-1865


The records contained in this volume cover not only the recently discovered Book 0 (dated 1852-1859 and the very beginning of record-keeping for chancery court in Blount County, Tennessee), but Book 1, 1859-1865, as well. The circuit court of Blount County heard most cases which were filed, and if someone still felt he was wronged he could then appeal to chancery court. In the case of settlement of estates, where an equitable settlement could not be arrived at (for example, division of a slave among several children or inability to divide a piece of land equally) the chancellor of chancery court was empowered to hear testimony and then determine if the property was to be sold for an equitable settlement. Minors' interests required the appointment of guardians, thus, these settlements named the heirs of the deceased person, often gave the names of the deceased person's parents and many times gave land grant numbers. Lawsuits filed and listed in these records are primarily of a personal nature; however, some cases involve creditors collecting unpaid debts from businesses or individuals.

The entries describe what transpired in court, how the case was handled by the chancellor, the duties of the clerk and master of the court, and the responsibilities of the parties involved in carrying out the decision of the court. In some cases, along with the names of the individuals and businesses filing suit, the following names are included: spouses, children, slaves, solicitors, sureties, attorneys, agents, and administrators and executors of estates. A full-name index completes this work.

Albert W. Dockter, Jr.

(1992), 2011, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 182 pp.

ISBN: 9781556135897
