The Proprietors' Records of the Town of Lunenburg, Massachusetts, including Fitchburg and a Portion of Ashby, 1729-1833


This text offers a complete transcript of the records of the proprietors of the town of Lunenburg, as copied from the folios of the archives of the state of Massachusetts. These documents are primarily concerned with land grants and related legal transactions, and include accounts of the initial lot divisions, the names of all the earliest known settlers and descriptions of the original estates. Documents are arranged by folios, and by date of original publication within each folio. The names of presiding officials, committee members and the clerks who recorded each transaction are included, as are lot numbers and the number of divisions for each lot. The text has been indexed for both full names and subjects making it a handy reference volume for the genealogist researching his or her Massachusetts roots.

Walter C. Davis

(1897), 2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 388 pp.

ISBN: 9780788414565
