The Drisko lines begin around the mid-1600s and are covered to the present generation, in some cases to the fourteenth generation. The Crocker lines begin around 1695 and continue to the present (eleven generations). The Foster lines begin in the early 1600s and continue to the eleventh generation. All three include both male and female descendants. (This Crocker line does not descend from William of Barnstable, who has been covered many times over, but from Peletiah/Pel/Paul Crocker, and is new information.) Some of these families trace their origins back to the Mayflower and England. These lines appear in almost every town along the coast of Maine, including Addison, Bristol, Columbia Falls, Jonesboro, Machias, Machiasport and St. George to name a few. They are also found among the records of Dover, Exeter, Newmarket and Portsmouth, New Hampshire, as well as New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada. The pioneers of Maine were important in the Revolutionary War and fought the first naval battle of that conflict in Machias Bay. The Driskos and Fosters were there. Many of them had occupations as sea captains. Others were shipbuilders, ship's carpenters, seamen and lighthouse keepers. Those who were not sailors often worked in closely related occupations such as lumbering and sawmills. While this work is mainly a genealogy, it is also an anthology of some of the people and the memorable events with which they were associated. There are stories of the bravery of the pioneer men and women-including Elizabeth Hull Heard and Margaret Stevenson Scott (hung as a witch at Salem). The compiler did a great deal of research into the captains and the vessels they sailed, and has included that information for all three lines. Also included are an alphabetical list of the vessels and the years each person was the Master of the vessel, and numerous photographs.
Frances Sterling Drisko
(2001), 2008, 8.5" x 11", paper, index, 494 pp.
ISBN: 9780788417511